Price £52.90 Per 10kg bag
Traditional Game Cover Mixture bags

Traditional Game Cover Mixture

Feed and cover



15% Game Maize
17.5% White Millet
15% Red Millet
14% Buckwheat
12% Intermediate Sorgham
9.5% Kale
10.5% Sunflower
2.5% White Mustard
2.5% Forage Rape
1% Gold of Pleasure
0.5% Phacelia

Sowing rate 10 kg /Acre

Sold in 10 kg 1 Acre packs

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Traditional Game Cover is a very traditional mixture of species selected for their feed and cover qualities. This mix is designed for a full season of cover that will provide holding, feed and cover for all game birds. The sunflowers provide an attractive splash of colour. Due to variance in seed size broadcast to achieve optimum establishment but ensure good seed to soil contacts the treated seed is covered by harrowing and rolling. This mixture also attracts wild birds and bees.

Treated with fungicide

Sow April - June

1 year duration

Utilise September - February